Happy Birthday..and many more

Sep 21, 2010

Typically when we write these blogs as a company, we have a goal in mind. We want to showcase great clients or talent; talk about trends we see; possibly passive-aggressively vent. Whatever the case, we are trying to convey a point regarding something we are passionate about. This one is no different.

This is an incredibly important month for me, for a couple reasons. There are three very important dates that this month holds for me. It starts with my mother. I would never say the year, but she was born in September. I will also say 16 years ago, I received the greatest gift ever in my daughter. She offered and provided the best direction I have ever had. Her birthday is in September as well.

The other is less biological family, and more social family. Last year, in September of 2009, ProfyleTracker INC became something more than an idea in the back of my head. It became what I and several other individuals have worked on the past year to nurture and grow. One of the greatest things I have seen as this “idea” evolved has been the connection with my team, our candidates, and our clients. The bonds that have been built and fostered continue to impress me. We have watched as startups flourished; brand names rebranded; and a myriad of others increase their talent level and culture.

There are similarities between starting a company and raising a child. Both take more time than you ever realize. Both push you to limits you never thought you could go to. Both cause you to question your sanity….and both can bring you great joy. Now understand that nothing compares to my daughter-She is definitely playing in a league of her own- but to watch something from a work perspective flourish like this is extraordinary.

No huge analogies or deeper meaning. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been a part of this.

Happy Birthday Mom.

Happy Birthday ProfyleTracker

Happy Birthday Courtney

Many, many more.

Be Relentness,


About the author

Doug Rowe wrote 23 articles on this blog.

My experience is in matching top talent with the opportunities that meet their career goals while simultaneously exceeding the requirements of my clients. I believe that the cultural and environmental fit is as important if not more so than the technical. This personality and culture matching is where I excel.
