Cheers and Jeers

Jul 23, 2010

If you are taking the time to read this, and thanks for that by the way, I want to forewarn you that this will be somewhat rambling…and have a hint of ADD thrown in.  Let’s call it a cheers and jeers post.


To new clients: We just signed an exclusive relationship deal with a company here in Indianapolis that is in the top 4 in their genre in the US. We are very excited about this partnership, and for a variety of reasons. Personally, it is because of who they are individually, and not just the company. These are people that live, breathe, eat and other things related about their company. Their passion is contagious, as is their viewpoint. There perspective is refreshing, and the role we are consulting as is what I appreciate in my line of work.

To Scotty’s Brewhouse on 96th Street near my office: As they have been serving as a second office for us for some time, and for quite frankly being a pretty cool place to take a client or hold a company meeting, I do salute you.  It is either a great example of customer service or possibly too much time spent there by us that we have our own server and bartender than we have adopted (maybe they adopted us). Regardless, check them out.

To honesty, as it sometimes hides: We had had several clients this week that have been incredibly honest about situations, company politics, candidate feedback, and similar. This is exactly the situation we like to find ourselves in-where there is no beating around the bush or worrying about the “story” or perception. Bare bones honesty always trumps everything else. If you doubt that, simply remember what your parents told you when you were young. It was “tell the truth”, not “consider the environment and political implications of what you want to say and spin the comment to fit the situation”. Well, at least my parents did not say that. I would further say that those who either know me or have encountered me in a business situation know that I stick with the honesty sentiment without regard to the “story”.

To passion and sense of urgency: With the influx and seemingly endless number of clients that are coming on board with us, to watch the team fly around talking, networking, matching, and closing is a thing of beauty. These guys have a passion for this and I thank them. The sense of urgency (we need it yesterday) has also risen to match the passion. I used to think that I was the anomaly that would be working the phone while playing solitaire and listening to my iPod…but I have seen these guys lately doing similar things. Talking on their land line while texting a candidate/client and emailing a third person.  It is both dizzying and beautiful to behold.


To separate playbooks: Clients who say that they want one thing but their actions dictate that they are either confused, lost or simply spitting company rhetoric. If you want to hire someone with the talents you need, be prepared to close the deal. If you do not know how to do this, ask the Chief Product Manager at Bluelock; he is a master of this.  Also, just as a general rule of thumb, do what you say you are going to do. Setting false expectations and hope is a great way to absolutely ruin your name in the market.

To all of this humidity: I am sweating sitting in my office. THIS.IS.RIDICULOUS.

To a bad short term memory or simply having an “idiot” moment: It is amazing how a conversation is had with a candidate literally moments prior to their interview, and then they forget everything that was discussed including where they worked, went to school, and when they graduated (I could not make this up…I sat in on an interview and listened to a candidate who could not remember anything about himself and had to look at his resume to see when he graduated) when they sit in front of the client.

To poor understanding of the interview: I lost count how many times I have heard how well an interview went from the candidate viewpoint only to hear from the client the interview went south…Did not pass go….did not collect $200…just sucked. When you leave an interview, you should have an idea as to the true nature of what happened. Leave the narcissism and inability to see what is really happening at home. Ask questions to determine how it really went.

To LeBron James:… I get moving for better opportunities, as that is what I help people with. I am just saying there are better ways to let your current employer know you are changing companies.

Now, off to the second office for our weekly Friday “meeting”.

About the author

Doug Rowe wrote 23 articles on this blog.

My experience is in matching top talent with the opportunities that meet their career goals while simultaneously exceeding the requirements of my clients. I believe that the cultural and environmental fit is as important if not more so than the technical. This personality and culture matching is where I excel.
