A second chance to…….start

Sep 28, 2010

There are few moments in life that offer the insight as to what could be…and the possibility therein. The birth of a child-looking in their eyes for the first time and seeing nothing but optimism; a new relationship-no baggage and nothing but opportunity; a second chance at something you thought you could not do. These […]

Happy Birthday..and many more

Sep 21, 2010

Typically when we write these blogs as a company, we have a goal in mind. We want to showcase great clients or talent; talk about trends we see; possibly passive-aggressively vent. Whatever the case, we are trying to convey a point regarding something we are passionate about. This one is no different. This is an […]

My top 5 Why Factors

Sep 08, 2010

Everyone has a ‘Y” factor!  Your “Y” factor is what you work for.  For instance, my biggest “Y” factor is my family.  I want to be able to support my family and since I have kids that live in Hawaii, it’s very important to me to be able to fly them from Hawaii to Indy […]
