Why is writing a blog so difficult when you should have so much to write about? There is so much going on right now with ProfyleTracker and with the direction the company is going, you would think there would be so much to talk about. Yet, all I can think about right now are the orders that are flowing in, candidates that are being referred to me, and how could you not work with us?
So, I am sitting here at 11pm at night after a number of phone calls, emails, dinner, and the only thing I can think of is something that was said to me in an email early last week. “Look out for number 1″is what it said. At the time I didn’t think much of it, I just went on with my day. Even now I don’t think it’s a big deal, but it is not the way I want clients, candidates, or anyone for that matter to look at me.
“Selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion” (Neal A. Maxwell). This has real meaning to me. I am sure some are aware that I have played sports my entire life and selfishness is something that has no place in sports. Well I take what I do as a competition and selfishness has no place there either. Being successful is more than making lots of money or driving nice cars. To me, it’s about the relationships I build in route to making lots of money and driving nice cars!!!! So, I will leave you with this….”One great, strong, unselfish soul in every community could actually redeem the world”. Elbert Hubbard.